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Julian Knight, the chairman of the House of Commons committee overseeing sports policy, hopes such abuse will be made a criminal offense. Games in England are sometimes still blighted by homophobia among fans. Fashanu was found hanged in a London garage eight years later. 'Jake is a footballer with huge potential, who displays courage on and off the pitch, and has a bright future ahead of him.”ĭaniels’ announcement was the biggest of its kind in men’s soccer in England since Justin Fashanu in 1990, though the former Nottingham Forest and Norwich City striker was not active in the professional leagues at the time. “We applaud Jake’s decision and know it will be an inspiration to others in the world of football and beyond and we are proud to have a partnership with him,' the sportswear firm said in a statement to The Associated Press. A week before the announcement, Daniels signed sponsorship terms with Adidas.

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